Currently Lost and Found is in the late stages of post-production and nearing picture lock, with a festival tour anticipated for late 2020 early 2021. We are seeking to raise money to help prepare for this portion of the filmmaking process and any costs associated with further marketing and distribution. This includes exhibition costs, legal expenses, travel and accommodations at festivals, audience engagement, and distribution costs. In order to help raise these funds we've partnered with From The Heart Productions. From The Heart Productions is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to helping independent filmmakers that have a unique film that can make a contribution to society get funded. Lost and Found was honored to be considered such a project.
The goal of this film is to help those who have been affected by mental health issues and exposure to divorce, by allowing them to feel comfortable sharing their stories and assisting them to connect with others who have had similar experiences. While these experiences are common, they are usually kept hidden. For those who currently suffer from mental illnesses, hopefully the film serves as a positive example of someone using an art form to help them cope and move on from their current state or situation. For couples going through a divorce or on the verge of divorce, hopefully the film can both shed light on the situations caused by these events, as well as showcase the benefits of having such intimate discussions with their children, and vice versa. The other goal of the film is to better help those who have not been affected either by mental health or divorce to get a better understanding of what people endure when they go through these situations. By gaining greater insight to either, or both of these, they may be able to better assist those going through such traumas when such people appear in their lives.
Either way, in order for this film to have the sizable impact we want it to have, it needs to be seen by a wide audience. Your contributions will help get us one step closer to that goal. Not only that, but because From The Heart Productions is a non-profit, any contribution you make to our project is eligible for a tax deduction!
This has not been an easy film to make by any means. Your support is deeply appreciated. When you see this film, hopefully it will affect you profoundly, and you will have been proud to have supported it. We continue to work on the film with that goal in mind as well, and have done so since day one.
You can view our fundraising page by clicking here.

In January of 2019 Lost and Found ran a crowdfunding campaign on Seed & Spark. We managed to successfully raise $8,385.00 over 30 days from 79 contributors. This helped cover our post-production and finishing costs, secure music rights, as well as test screening and film festival fees. As a special thanks to these contributors, we made a trailer listing all of their names, and to further celebrate them, we're showcasing the video on this page. You can check out the "Lost and Found: Thank You Trailer," below.